Three Principles for understanding the human experience - and well-being within

With global speaker and author, Ami Chen Mills-Naim (see bio, below) ... An understanding of the Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought—and how they relate to both human distress, and our profound capacity for unconditional well-being, love and compassion has been expanding globally. These principles have impacted health care systems, mental health, schools and education, corrections and criminal justice ... as well as the corporate world, social services, professional sports and the performance arts.

July 16, 2017: Morning and Afternoon Sessions

Featured in such books as Michael Neill’s Inside Out Revolution and The Space Within, Chantal Burns' Instant Motivation, Jamie Smart’s Clarity and Ami’s own The Spark Inside and State of Mind in the Classroom (and many, many more), the Principles have shown remarkable results for depression, anxiety, performance, addictions, team work, relationships, and mental and spiritual freedom in general.

This seminar day will be held at a private home in Cheviot Hills, W. Los Angeles. Address and directions will be given upon registration. To register via check or Venmo, contact Joel Drazner of 3PLA at 310-473-8017 or 

Cost for both sessions $75. Cost for each, morning or afternoon: $40.


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Morning Session - "A Fresh Look at the principles" 9am - 12pm

This morning session with author and global speaker Ami Chen Mills-Naim (see bio below) offers both an introduction to, and a fresh look at the “Three Principles” underlying human experience, and first articulated by Sydney Banks. These principles offer a neutral, nearly formless "paradigm" for gaining deep insight into the human condition; and how we can each, via understanding, tap into greater clarity, peace of mind, creativity and greater love for ourselves, each other, and life itself.

Format is lecture, dialogue, possible reflective exercises, and Q and A. Pace will be relaxed and reflective. Personal sharing optional. Note-taking not necessary nor recommended.

Cost for Morning Only: $40/ both sessions $75


Afternoon session - "Spiritual Maturity: Beyond Identity and Spiritual Form" 1:30-4:30pm

This afternoon session will extend the learning of the “Three Principles” into the various areas of our lives, the issues we believe we face, and our fundamental insecurity as human beings facing limited life spans. In looking at all of this, we are asked to look past what we “think” we need from this world and to look, instead, inside, to what we already have. In our endless searching for what we think we need, we overlook the fundamental presence, the innate well-being that has existed within us from birth, and is our birthright. This innate well-being, presence or core peace, is also the source of our authenticity, wisdom and creativity—our best work, and profound capacity for gratitude for life, just as it is.

Beyond the forms of various religions, spiritual traditions and practices, we discover that Truth itself has no fixed form. Rather it arises from moment to moment within us, spontaneous to each situation ... and beyond all situations.

When we start to see past the forms of spirituality and our own thought-created “identity,” we see that what we are, fundamentally, can never be destroyed, damaged or diminished in any way. This realization generates free thought, and free action in service to that Love that connects--and is--us, all of us.

Format is lecture, possible reflective exercises, and Q and A. Pace will be relaxed and reflective. Personal sharing optional. Note-taking not necessary, nor recommended. Recommended, but not required: previous exposure to the “Three Principles” understanding in some form. The morning session qualifies for this exposure.

Cost for Afternoon Only: $40/ both Sessions $75

Ami Chen Mills-Naim is a global speaker, coach, trainer, editor and author of State of Mind in the Classroom: Thought, Consciousness and the Essential Curriculum for Healthy Learning, and The Spark Inside: A Special Book for Youth. With her late father, the social scientist Dr. Roger Mills (considered a pioneer of "Three Principles" work globally) she co-founded the non-profit Center for Sustainable Change, and served as its Executive Director and Education Director for a decade. In this role, she raised nearly one million dollars in funding for Principles-based/innate resiliency programs across the U.S. resulting in decreased crime, increased educational achievement and decreased stress and depression in communities. She has been an international speaker on innate wellness and resiliency, and a trainer of the “Three Principles” for 20 years, as well as a “trainer of trainers.”

Ami spent part of her childhood on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia, where her father became a student of philosopher Mr. Sydney Banks. Besides the Principles, Ami’s spiritual studies from a young age have spanned a wide range of teachers, authors and traditions. For more on Ami, including her blog and free videos and podcasts, please see: