
“Just as I was getting caught up in a bunch of work, this class has reminded me to return to

my innate health and wisdom to guide me through.”

–-Participant in “Myths of Efficiency” seminar, Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospitals System

Ami Chen three decades experience speaking in public settings and conducting trainings for a wide range of audiences. Through her global work for the Center for Sustainable Change, from radio programs (including CBS-affiliate stations and the old “Studs Terkel’s Radio Hour” in Chicago) to national and global conferences, as well as her own radio show, Ami has been teaching, speaking, training and leading workshops for most of her life.

Her focus is on releasing the innate resiliency and well-being that are at the core of every human being, regardless of past and circumstances. Ami has the unique experience of working with schools and school districts, climate activist groups, city governments, county governments and youth and staff experiencing some of the most “troubled” circumstances in the U.S.-–including school shooting sites, suicide epidemic sites and areas with high levels of school and community violence.

From the Mississippi Delta to the Red Lake Indian Reservation and Tribal Chiefs of First Nations, Canada … From large scale health-and-hospital systems to PTA groups, to universities, to management teams and executives, Ami has helped untold individuals get past old and unhelpful habits of thought to release greater vision, insight, compassion, cooperation, well-being and grace, from within.

Most recently, she has turned her focus to helping organizations of all kinds—from school districts to governments to corporations and activist groups—engage in the kind of deep and insightful thinking that leads to system change and that can support ecological and social resilience in the face of our current, global challenges and opportunities.

Please see Ami’s past Client List here.