It's Alright

It's alright to try
To try and try

As long as there is a space within You
of No Effort

It's alright to have Passion,
To burn with Fire!

As long as there is a space in your heart
that weeps with Contentment

It's alright to be angry, outraged

As long as there is a space in your heart
Of total Tenderness

It's alright to make all sorts of plans,
to Dream and Envision

As long as there is a space in your heart
That lives only in
The Now

It's alright to go out on a limb
To grasp for something, just beyond reach ...

As long as there is a space in your heart
That is Welded to the Root

It's alright to be firm and direct

As long as there is a space in your heart
That Swims in Softness

It's alright

It is All alright

As long you open your heart
And take your perfectly Still Space
for a good walk around the block
Twice a day

... Understanding that
when time has played its last trick on you,
And everything you borrowed must be

The Space
The Space
The Stillness and
The Space

is all you keep.

Ami Chen Mills1 Comment